Saturday, September 24, 2016

How do you kill a monster?

Today I read a story called "How do you kill a monster?"  If you like creepy stories, I'd definitely recommend reading this one.  This story was intense and very well written.  The story starts off with the narrator re-watching a trial about a little boy who was murdered.  He goes on to talk about the rest of the events in the trial that weren't show on the video.  Each word of the story had me even more curious and anxious for the next.  From the very beginning I was hooked and couldn't stop reading.  I started worrying about the actions of the narrator and his thoughts as the story progressed.  By the end of the story I was actually shocked.  The ending was wonderful and such a surprise,  I was really not expecting it.  You're in for a surprise if you read this one.

To read the original story:

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Donald Trump

I recently read a New York Times article about Donald Trump and his newest insults to others.  He continues to insinuate President Obama was not born in the U.S. He even falsely accused Hillary Clinton of being the first to accuse President Obama of not being born in the United States.  This wasn't the only mention of him insulting women though.  He mocked an African-American pastor when she welcomed him to her church, and again referred to Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts as "Pocahontas", because of her Native American roots.   He even told Hillary's Secret Service men to disarm themselves and "see what happens to her."  He's now also using his campaign to promote his own hotel.  It seems he just keeps getting worse and worse.

To read the original article:

Saturday, September 10, 2016

The Rapist Pastor

I recently read an article about a Pastor raping a teenage girl, and to say the least, I was disgusted.  He raped this poor girl who came to him for guidance and instead of helping, he traumatized her.  She's beginning to suffer from PTSD and her grades have taken a serious hit because of it.  And as if the rape and PTSD wasn't enough, the church allegedly asked her to apologize to the Pastors wife.  The victim is suppose to apologize to her rapists wife? Reading that made me livid, and the church should be ashamed of themselves.  Fortunately, the verdict for this rapists trial was just and he was sentenced to 10 years in prison, unlike another Ohio rapist, Brock Turner, who only served three months.  Although it's great that he is now behind bars and not able to hurt anyone else, this poor girl will have to live with the memories and trauma caused by this man.

If you'd like to know more about the main article: